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ICAS Digital Pioneering Workshop
2 September, 2022 - 3 September, 2022
We all will publish papers about digital content. During the workshop we want to find out how to exploit synergies by collaborating with digital models & data. And we want to have a more interactive and detailed exchange about our research.
Intended Results
We intend to work out concrete topics and actions to unlock potential synergies. The results from this workshop will define the activities of the ICAS Digital Pioneering Initiative. Thus, ICAS DPI will actively engage to support the research community.
Working mode
We have an auditorium (aud) and six smaller rooms for break-out sessions (bos). We will start all together in the auditorium and will then team-up in smaller groups to interactively discuss specific topics in break-out sessions. We will alternate between the auditorium and break-out sessions. Swapping of sessions will be possible. Teaming-up for the individual sessions will be done during the first session of the workshop.
We are expecting 50 participants. If you have not made your final confirmation or if your status has changed please let us know to allow planning of the catering etc. We will circulate the list of participants, their e-mail addresses and the titles of their ICAS 2022 papers among the participants. Please let us know by Aug. 19th if you disagree to disseminating your information among the other participants.
Thematic break-out sessions
Based on your ICAS abstracts we identified 6 major fields of interest:
- Greening of aviation
- Supersonic transport aircraft
- Urban Air Mobility
- Collaborative & digital design methods: VR, AR, HMI
- Collaborative & digital design methods: MDO, MBSE, KBE, AI, digital certification
System of System Engineering
Together with the list of participants we will circulate an indicative matching to these topics. However, it will be your choice during the teaming which session to join. In case our indication was not suitable or you have suggestions concerning the topics, please let us know and we can discuss in the initial session. Each session will have a moderator who has the task to document the results and to present the results in the session in the large auditorium.
After our recent DPI workshop there were requests for dedicated hands-on session for the open source software Remote Component Environment (RCE). RCE (rcenvironment.de) can create workflows using different software (optionally) in a distributed computing environment hence has a very direct relation for this initiative. In case you are interested, please let us know. We will add a dedicated RCE session then.
Fri, 2nd Sept. 2022
09:00h aud: Welcome, introduction, teaming-up for break-out sessions (bos) 10:00h Fika (Swedish coffee break)
10:30h bos: Introduction of participants (see below)
12:00h Lunch
13:00h bos: Discussion on how to create synergies
15:00h Fika
15:30h bos: Work out concrete (ICAS) activities & contents to create synergies 17:30h end of 1st day
Evening Dinner self-organized (more information will follow)
Sat, 3rd Sept. 2022
09:00h aud: Results from the last day’s bos by moderators (10 min each) 10:00h Fika
10:30h bos: Swapping participants, cross-culmination, enrichment of results 12:00h Lunch
13:00h aud: Presentation of final results and discussion with all participants 15:00h Fika
15:30h aud: preparation of ICAS session 1.8 (optional participation)
17:30h end of workshop
Introduction of participants
During the first break out session we ask the participants to introduce themselves. Please prepare a powerpoint presentation suitable for a time slot of about 10 min covering:
- You & your organization in a nutshell
- Content of your research
- What would you like to get as input for your research from others?
- What can you provide to others?
ICAS congress session 1.8
During the ICAS congress, session 1.8 is dedicated to presenting the results of our workshop and to involving even more persons into the discussion. The four presentations in that congress session are assigned to four members of the ICAS program committee. The last session of our workshop is dedicated to condensing the workshop results to suitable presentations.
KTH Royal institute of Technology
Gradängsalen, Teknikringen 1
The venue for the workshop, the Swedish coffee breaks (“Fika”) and Lunch will be provided on invitation of the Swedish Aeronautics Research Center (SARC) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The dinner on Friday and potentially Saturday will be self-organized. Further information will follow.