SARC will stimulate fundamental research in aeronautics. The center should strengthen the academic network in the aeronautical field. The focus is on technologies for aircraft, but can also extend to related technologies and systems. The research network is related primarily research groups financed through NFFP. However, it is also open to researchers active in other projects that are strongly related to aeronautics. One important goal for SARC is to be able to foster collaboration between Swedish aeronautical researchers in order to become strong partners for international cooperation.

Why SARC.Research?
The SARC.Research Vision
SARC supports research collaboration between academia and industry with the following targets:
- enable curiosity driven fundamental research in aeronautics
- ensure long-term collaborations within academia and with industry
- work towards increased funding of fundamental aeronautical research
Research Areas
We have identified three main area within which SARC is active: Aeronautical Engineering, Structures and Materials, and Propulsion. The relevant industry clusters associated with each area, and also a brief description of the activities of the universities within each area. We aim at identifying the university researchers with these three areas and to propose networking activities within each area.
One main theme in SARC.Research will be the research aimed at reduction of the environmental footprint of aviation.