The Saab Gripen contract with Brazil
The Saab Gripen contract with Brazil including aeronautical technology transfer sets the needs for a tighter academia-industry relationship and enhances the importance of international collaborations.
Professors of aeronautics at ITA/CISB
To tighten the Brazilian-Swedish collaborations within aeronautical research, three Swedish aeronautic professors Petter Krus (LiU), Dan Henningson (KTH) and Tomas Grönstedt (Chalmers) get the endowed Chair at ITA in honour of the Peter Wallenberg Stiftelse.
First centre foundation work
The first ideas within Innovair, the national strategic innovation programme for aeronautics, for a national aeronautical research organisation as a complement to industry are formulated.
Industrial cluster leads
The establishment of fifteen industrial competence clusters within aeronautics (with cluster leads from GKN and Saab) strengthens the need for an academic complement.
Center preparation work
Center preparation work commences. Dan Henningson, Petter Krus and Tomas Grönstedt are assigned by Innovair to work out a proposal of a national aerospace research organisation/cluster. During 2017 several work meetings are arranged at KTH, LiU, Chalmers and Vinnova.
SARC is born!
The Swedish Aeronatics Research Center (SARC) is born! LiU principal Mrs. Helen Dannetun signs the centre establishment contract at Linköping University, being the centre’s host. Executive director of the first year is Dan Henningson (KTH/LiU), chairman is Anders Blom (Innovair).
SARC kick-off
SARC is presented to the public with a two-day inauguration event at Linköping to over 100 participants from academia, industry, agencies and politics.
Future activities
SARC and the reached goals of the endowed ITA chairs are presented (by Dan Henningson and Petter Krus) at the 7th Brazilian Swedish Workshop in Aeronautics, hosted by Universidade Federal de Belo Horizonte (UFMG) in connection with the ICAS 2918 congress. The first ideas of a Brazilian SARC (BARC) are triggered by this event.
Innovair general meeting 2018
SARC is being presented at Innovair’s annual general meeting (by Ingo Staack) at Saab, Linköping. Industrial representatives back the idea of strengthening the dialogue between education entities and industrial actors.
SARC.Academy commences operation
The first SARC graduate school event is being held! The first S4 “SARC Short Summer School” took place on 18–22 March in Florianopolis, Brazil with more than 50 participants from Sweden and Brazil. Teacher of the first SARC course was the well-known international scientist Daniel P. Raymer; the course topic was “Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach”.
First SARC Annual Meeting
On Maj the 2nd/3rd the first SARC annual meeting was held at Scandic Foresta/Stockholm together with the inauguration of the external advisory board and the SARC board meeting. Find more information about that event in the dedicated SARC annual meeting 2019 page!
Specialized SARC.Academy course
In spring 2020 the first SARC.Academy expert topic course for both PhD students and seniors from industry was given. The title of the one-week course given at LiU/Linköping was “Aerospace Actuators”. SARC is very proud to had Prof. Jean-Charles Maré from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) and researcher at the Clément Ader Institute in Toulouse, France here in Sweden as a guest lecturer.